Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.
~Mary Oliver
Observations from a weekend….
pantry filled with little more than an echo, Dom turns kernels, Italian olive oil and salt into a meal fit for royalty
crunchy and hot popped corn while watching The Queen, as rain, straight as spaghetti, steadily falls
Dani Shapiro and Annie Dillard keep me company while Dom is kept awake by Friday Night Lights
wake on Sunday morning to splinters of sunshine covering the floor as if a novice lumberjack were assigned the sun to chop
blankets leisurely thrown keeping open the invitation to snuggle on feathery pillows and flannel sheets for a cozy mid-day nap
sandwiches named for mountain peaks gobbled on a compact wooden bench set atop a small hill in ankle tickling grass
sweet rosé in tiny glasses with Luc
as many beautiful moments as there are minutes in a weekend…
we need only watch
A favorite quote from Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, “It’s all a matter of keeping my eyes open.”.
What quotes inspire you?
I’d love to know!
I was trying to figure out why Annie Dillard rang a bell. Then, when you mentioned Pilgrim at Tinker’s Creek, I figured it out! I read that book many years ago with a work book club. It wasn’t my usual type of book, but I’m glad I read it. As for quotes, the one that’s so poignant for me is something like, “You can choose to make a living or make a life.”
I love that quote…that idea… I couldn’t agree more! 🙂
I’m loving your soul snacks girl. It’s a great reminder to slow down and be mindful. I just bought the five minute journal and I love it. You need to check it out!
Ahhh! I love exciting recommendations! I will most certainly check it out!! Thank you!
Your description of the rain is just beautiful. You are truly a wonderful writer!!
Thank you so much, Katherine! <3
Your site is very beautiful, I like the design! Wonderful artisan, handcrafted logo and lovely sketches!
Thank you so much! I have a very talented friend and a daughter who executed the ideas I had for my logo and sketches! 🙂
You are good at capturing the faintest things, because you are so good at noticing, Annie. I believe that it is our intention to notice that ultimately fires up the neurons, they wire together and then we tend to notice even more.
My favorite quote is along the lines of “The mightiest soldier is he who conquers himself = Our thoughts/We are our worst enemy”. I’ve encountered the idea in so many cultures and teachings that I have no idea who really said it. So it is a truth that is always present, not a fleeting insight. The Buddha also taught it some 2500 ago. Paying attention to the present moment is what allows me to conquer my own noisy thoughts, I have experienced it many times, it is amazing.
You are so right – it’s definitely a domino effect! With mindfulness you can see so so much! Thanks for sharing your favorite!
So lovely! I need regular reminders to live in the moment, for sure. My mind always seems to be either behind or ahead of where it should be 🙂
That is so easy to do, my friend! I just love how time lasts longer when we live in the moment! 🙂
I love great quotes, but I’m not any good at remembering them! Love the ones being shared here…. Glad you had a wonderful weekend full of love!
It’s always great when the quote you need magically appears! Thanks, my dear!
What a great quote to sum up your weekend…very poetic! You definitely have a way with words. And I love that quote from Annie Dillard!
Thank you so much, Gayle! Annie Dillard is amazing! 🙂
Love this soul snacks section. Fun! OK, so a favorite quote of mine that I love is “I haven’t been everywhere, but it is on my list.” Now more than ever, I feel like Americans need to embrace our world neighbors. Loved reading with your soul snacks your sweet comments about your son graduating. Beginning new chapters seems to be a part of change that we should all embrace. I am moving homes this summer, and i am not as great at change as I anticipated. Sigh. Good reading Annie!
I am so with you sister! Everywhere is also on my bucket list!! Good luck with your move! Will you be in Napa?
I love this and love Mary Oliver 🙂 One of my favorite writers is Alain de Botton and I try to live by his sentiment that, “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.” I find it to be so true and kind of goes along with don’t put all your eggs in one basket 🙂
Mary Oliver is a very special lady and writer! That’s a good one!! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
I love your soul snacks! You’re such a beautiful writer that I feel like I’m right there with you eating popcorn and listening to the rain. Have a wonderful week, Annie!
The greatest compliment. Thank you, my friend! 🙂
It’s great that you’re taking each moment and appreciating it. Sounds like you and Dom are doing more “together” time. I don’t have a particular quote that I want to share at the moment but I do want to add that I’ve finally been able to get Sean from the South sent to my inbox every day. He is so amazing. What a writer. I swear I cry with every post. His writing touches your heartstrings. It’s only one page — his observations of people. He makes me want to be kinder, better, more understanding. Here is a sample.
Have a great evening! Hugs!
My daughter spent a little time reading his blog per your recommendation and said that the two she read brought her to tears. I will definitely spend some time reading his work. Thank you!
What a lovely written recap of a weekend, this is, Annie! Love it! And that first picture, the light and shade, the book, the sunflowers. so poetic! My quote for the day is “Feel good, be good, and do good.” Happy beginning of a new week to you!
Thank you so much! I love sunflower season! I love your quote of the day! Happy Monday, my friend!
Such a beautifully written account of the weekend!! My favorite quote is this one, “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity”. With all my multitasking I have to remember to give the ones I love my full attention. Take care!! ?
I truly love that! And isn’t it so true? Hope your week is off to a beautiful start, my friend!
I always love your soul snacks, Annie – so beautifully written! Sounds like a wonderful weekend. A cute quote that I recently stumbled upon is “there are things you do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make no money & it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other & to each other’s cooking and say it was good.
Thank you, my friend! That is a great quote – one that resonates with me, too! Thank you for sharing!! xo
Love Soul Snacks Annie! Sounds like you had a wonderful, relaxing weekend. I think one of my favorite quotes and one I share most often with my boys is, “Never put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket.” Happy Monday. Hope your week is awesome!
So so true! I love that quote! It’s a keeper! Happy Monday, dear! 🙂
Oh, and though it has nothing to do with ‘living in the moment’, I do love Julia Child’s quote – If you’re afraid of butter, use cream’ 😉
One of my favorites, for sure!! 🙂
So true, Annie! We definitely have to keep our eyes open and live in the moment. I swear, I’m always on the go, have something to do, going from one place or thing to the next. I always say to myself that I have to be more in the ‘now’, but sometimes it’s hard with distractions, but I should be mindful of it. Rarely do people live in the ‘now’; it’s usually in the past or looking at something coming up. Thanks for the reminder, my friend! I needed that 😉 XOXO
I hear you! It’s definitely a choice we have to make and for me – once I did – life slowed down and the days feel richer. It was a good decision for me! So glad you enjoyed the read! Thanks, pally! XOXO