Like an old-fashioned morning, we gathered on the portico to ring in Father’s Day. With giant steamy mugs of coffee in hand, we perched ourselves on the stoop to take in the sights from the front of the house. With neighbors out for morning strolls and a warm summer breeze whirling the falling petals from our aging White Dogwood, it was the kind of morning I long for. Dolce even sensed the calmness of the moment as she stayed put and watched the passers-by rather than delivering her usual Snoopy-like howls of protection. Folks don’t gather on the front porch much, anymore. Where do you typically congregate when outdoors?
Well, guys, it’s here! The first week of summer! I’ll be back on Wednesday, the first official day of summer, with a special post that’s part of a seasonal series that I began in the fall. If you follow CCB, you might remember what it is. (So fun!)
If you’re anything like I am then you’re already collecting your summer books, but there’s a little part of you that always thinks you could have more, I’ve got you covered…
Summer Reads, make me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind. 😉 (Please tell me you recognize the reference.) If you’re looking for summer book recommendations, The Washington Post has come out with their 2017 Summer Reading List.
I hope you’ll check out one of my favorite blogs which shares the collected wisdom of great writers (and so so so much more)… Have you stumbled upon Brainpickings yet?
Bird by Bird. Two words -> Read. It.
I am very much a memoir girl. It’s always my first choice of book to include in an overnight bag or to just have on hand. Whether I’m scooting out for a minute or am the passenger for a lengthy road trip, I am much calmer when I know there’s a good read at my fingertips. Are you like that? Do you freak out a little when you’re going somewhere and you forget to grab a book or magazine? Oh my – these moments make me as mad as when I discover I’m out of coffee at 6am. Watch out!
Speaking of memoirs… a few that I’ve read recently, am in the midst of reading, or am engaged in for a second or third time, are titles I need to share with you: The Bright Hour, Without Reservations, Under the Tuscan Sun, Tender at the Bone, When Breath Becomes Air, Gift From The Sea … Although they each strike a different chord, together they share the beauty of the stages and phases of life and how we meet them.
I would be most remiss if I didn’t share something from one of my best-loved poets, Mary Oliver…
A favorite quote from ‘The Summer Day’
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Hi Annie! We congregate on the deck usually ?. I really enjoy these Soul Snacks posts, they are a joy to read. I’ll check out your book suggestions for sure. BTW I got the reference ?. Take care!!
Heheheh! So glad you got the reference! 😉 We tend to spend most of our outdoor time on the back patio too! Take care, my friend! 🙂
So happy you enjoyed Father’s Day Annie. I’m loving the idea of Soul Snacks! Love the logo too! I was not a reader growing up, but after college I became hooked on reading. It’s so relaxing and there are so many great books out there. Thanks so much for the list and recommendations! I’ll get on it ASAP!
I certainly was not as passionate about reading pre-college vs. post! The book that caused me to do a 180 was The Firm by John Grisham back in the early 90’s. I loved it and have never looked back!
I love so many of those books and Bird by Bird is a definite favorite… I need to re-read it soon! I’d give anything to spend a few days laying in the sun relaxing and reading 🙂 Happy almost summer!
Oh gosh…doesn’t that sound perfect? We all need to make time to do that! Happy almost summer!! 🙂
Love this post Annie. So great to just be and sip your morning coffee outside.. I love to get up early in summer and do sit on the front porch, except for it is too early to see any people.. usually it is just me and the birds, the sprinklers and the occasional rabbit. Love it! When we lived in the mountains there were elk and deer too. Brain Pickings is pretty good, isn’t it? Love what Maria does, and that she grew up in Bulgaria like me:) Not partial at all:)
Thanks so much! Nothin’ better than to be outdoors! I can honestly say we’ve had all the same visitors to the yard except elk! That has to be a sight! Wow! Bulgaria produces very cool individuals! 🙂
Glad you had a nice father’s day Annie! I’v been struggling to find time to read, but things are getting better 🙂 Need to check your recommendations !
I remember those days with a new baby! The books will always be there! 😉 Hope your day is great, my friend!
I have Bird by Bird but have yet to read it — shame on me. I am working on improving my writing/photography/blog posts/ etc. I’ve read Tender at The Bone — excellent. I am getting The Writing Life. Love to read — always have, always will. So glad you had a good Father’s Day — so did we. Abbracci!
I hope you find a little time to read it! I couldn’t put it down once I started! Annie Dillard – OMG! So happy your Father’s Day was great!
First off, I love your soul snacks logo! Second, I love your writing, and could picture myself on the portico, watching neighborhood life. (We usually sit on our deck.) Third, I totally got the “summer reads” reference, Lol! As for the books, I’ve read Bird by Bird and Tender at the Bone. I love memoirs too, and appreciate your recommendations!
Thank you so much, Andrea! My daughter designed the new logo and I am in love with it!! Yep, we usually land on the back patio too, but the front is just so perfect for the morning with the sun rising in the back… Great books, right?! Love them both!
Annnnnnie…..loved this! No, people definitely don’t gather on their front porch anymore. Though, hubby and I did sit out front last year (we usually are in the back) and it was so nice to people watch and just chill like you guys did. Funny how I remember that!
That quote is awesome! I love collecting quotes like that I keep a little notebook handy to write ’em down cause you know I will forget 😉 I’ll definitely have to check out Bird by Bird if you say so – always on the look out for a good read! P.S. what a catastrophe running out of coffee at 6am. Girl, you always have to have backup 😉 Always! Love this series! Happy Monday! XOXO
Isn’t it fun when something reminds you of something you’ve long forgotten? Oh yeahhh, Mary Oliver is one of my faves! I have three of her poetry books on my bedside table! I ran out of coffee one time! And once is enough!! Thank you so much, my friend!! XOXO
The only thing I love more than talking about food is talking about books :). I’ve heard really good things about Bird by Bird but have yet to pick up a copy. I’m going to change that ASAP. I’m glad you had a great Father’s Day–I hope you have a wonderful week, too!
And how lucky are we that we get to do both on the regular?! You will not regret picking up Bird by Bird! Thanks, lady! You also have a wonderful week!
Sounds like you had a perfect Father’s Day! Loving your book suggestions. Adding them to my reading list 🙂
There is something for everyone here! Thanks, friend!
I’m so glad you guys had a wonderful Father’s day! That is a hard day for me personally, so I tried to focus my attention on the positive.. and I stayed off social media. 😉 So where do we congregate when outdoors? ALWAYS the back porch and back yard. I’m actually a quite private and shy person (despite having a blog!! lol), so the front yard is a little too, like, out there for me. Plus our Dolce likes to run around, and if I let her do it out front, she will most definitely run a little too wild. 😉 I’m super excited for the official start of summer, and you are right, you just CAN’T do summer without a bunch of good reads. I like a good crime thriller or mystery and James Patterson is my favorite author. I’m going to have to check out some of your recommendations though!! Cheers, dear friend! XOXO
It actually doesn’t surprise me that you’re shy and are a (wonderful) blogger. If we did a study we’d likely find that the majority of bloggers are shy or introverted or a combination of the two. I lean toward introversion… Interesting to think about, don’t you agree? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I don’t know what I would do without my books! Thanks for stopping by, lovely! I hope you find a read or two that I’ve shared that you would enjoy! Have a beautiful day! XOXO
Sounds like you had a lovely morning to ring in Father’s Day! And I’m excited for summer and reading. I love finding new books, so I will have to check some of these out.Looking forward to seeing your next recipe!
We really did…it was perfectly relaxing. So many books so little time! Thanks, friend!