I heard our local news anchor say the other day, “You know spring is coming since we’re starting to complain about the potholes.” I guess it is a sign that spring is coming…just like the tiny black stones that collect in my mudroom this time of year…or the scratchin’ at the back of our heads to plan a balmy vacation…or the excitement of throwing on a light sweater instead of a heavy coat…rain boots vs. snow boots…spring cleaning vs. winterizing… Is this conversation a little premature? Perhaps. But that’s okay. We’ve earned this conversation.
I hope you enjoy this collection of soul snacks, my friends… Buon Appetito!
~I’ll have my fresh carrots with a drizzle of Palmolive; said no-one, ever. However, that’s my experience 87.5% of the time. You too? Do your carrots ever taste soapy? It’s real…There is a way to take it into your own hands and Emilie of The Clever Carrot, knows all about that…she even wrote a cookbook that contains more than one gorgeous antidote for this little problem…
~My pants may be large and my shoes small but my talk needs to be size medium.
~This has my and hopefully your name written all over it! Napuccino! It’s time we bring out our inner college kid and bring back the art of the coffee nap.
~Tell me you haven’t thought about this…I’ve thought about this! Go France!
~I think there is no room for debate on this one…teach it! Don’t test it. Catch ’em in the act…recognize for some that just getting out of bed and making it in is an act of grit and resilience…then tell them. Tell them…don’t test them. But honestly, I would love your opinion!
~I could hang with this lady…
~Though yoga pants are the standard…this would be my frock of choice…I just worry about the tomato splatters…
~Speaking of dressing…how’s that for a segue… This dressing. Are you kidding me with that color?
~This book holds a very special place in my heart… Laurie’s writing is as comfortable as sitting with a good friend over a cup of sweet tea or a strawberry banana smoothie…
~This is the job I want in my next life.
Thank you for stopping by, my friends! You fill my heart!
Annie xo
I am absolutely asking this question during my next awkward social encounter: “Are you a pro-wrestling fan?” And, thanks for reminding me of one more thing I don’t miss from living up north. I was just in New Jersey and fell into a few of those ‘craters’ while driving. Absolutely love this new ‘Soul Snack’ series. I just need to ask how you find the time to do everything that you do…and do it well.
Hahah! I love it! I dare you to! Potholes are no fun! Thank you so much, Deb! You are so kind for saying that! Really…..thank you! 🙂
It’s so fascinating that cilantro tastes like soap to some people. For me, it tastes like summer! But we’re all different. Another great set of shares, Annie!
It is amazing…I wish I could taste what you taste – it’s all about the soap. Thankfully parsley exists! Thanks, my dear! Have a great day!
That’s really interesting about the soapy carrots. I don’t recall ever noticing that – cilantro? Yes. Absolutely tastes like soap to me, but never a carrot. That dress would be perfect to wear and hang with the wine lady. And that gorgeous purple salad dressing! Great list, Annie!
Isn’t it? I am so with you on the cilantro – look at that You, Me and Ina have that in common…sorry, I digress…but, yes, I experience it all the time, though Dom does not, and I was like, I can’t be alone – sure enough, it’s a real thing. No more bagged carrots! You could be a stylist – that dress would be perfect walking through her vineyards…Let’s Go! Thanks so much, my friend! 🙂
I better watch out or I’ll impulse buy that dress from Anthropologie. That is just my style. Great post!
I know, right?! It’s just so pretty – I saw it and thought to myself that after this winter I’d love for my clothes to reflect a lighter more whispy feel. The sweatshirts have got to go.Thank you, dear! 🙂
Such a great post, Annie! Yes, the newpapers and tv anchors ALWAYS report on the potholes this time of year. But if that means spring is coming, then that’s ok! I would love to have a job playing with babies, too! Where do I sign up?! And I definitely need to look into that book. It’s sounds great from the description! I love looking through all the links that you shared…and yes, that dressing! I’m in awe of that gorgeous color (and flavor, too!). Hope you have a wonderful Monday!
Hey – let’s sign up together! Laughing babies? Nothing better! Laurie Colwin is one of my favorite writers…she sets a homey scene that speaks to my heart. I know you’d love her work. Oh yes – Kevin’s dressing is just so beautiful. I want to paint a room in that color! Thanks for stopping by and engaging in some Soul Snacks – that means so much! Have a great day, my friend!
I completely get the pothole story, it’s so true! We are finally getting the road behind us repaved as out “winter” seems done here. Ha!
Thanks for sharing that one story about the supermarket in France, too. Banning supermarkets from throwing away food is a fantastic idea which really should be implemented here as well. I mean, the law will allow 10 million more people to be fed? Think of all the U.S. waste and the number of homeless who could be fed? Crazy!
Oh, and thanks for including my dressing recipe here, too kind!
Can you even imagine? Here’s to hoping the US gets on board with France very quickly! It is time! It is past time! You know I can’t resist that dressing! And it’s as delicious as it looks! Thanks for stopping by on your anniversary, my friend! Happy, happy day to you and your beloved! 🙂
I love that dress and who would see tomato splatters — do you wear an apron? I’ve gotten into the habit and I always wear one. In fact my papà worked in a grocery store and he wore a red apron. I have two of them and I travel with them 🙂 Love Laurie’s book — I have it and wouldn’t part with it. I hadn’t heard about the soapy carrots but I NEVER purchase bagged carrots and only the carrots with the stems. They taste so much better. And I agree about teaching the kids to have fortitude and courage — what kind of kids are were raising that they need safe rooms in college? Our ancestors were building a county for us at that age and not griping about it — oh the Indians, it’s too hard, it’s too hot, cold, they don’t like me. Boy you’ve touched a nerve!! And a baby’s laughter makes me smile every time, especially our nine month old grandson. My son sends me videos and I play then over and over again. Great reading material!! Have a happy Sunday evening.
Hi Marisa! Thank you for your thoughtful response! I’m so happy to engage in this conversation with you… I do have aprons however I find that I only wear them at the holidays! When I’m home alone – comfy duds, that I don’t mind getting splattered, is the uniform of choice. 😉 Laurie’s is one of the very first examples of her style of food writing that I came upon (so many years ago) that created a spark in me! I will definitely do better with my carrots! I’m always saying to my hubby they taste like soap – and he never tastes it – so I needed to check that out; and sure enough, it’s real! The article about testing to measure social emotional skills hit a nerve with me too. And how wonderful that you have baby’s laughter in your life! Really beautiful, Marisa! Thanks, again, and have a lovely evening, my friend!