Little Not So Little Things
“We love the things we love for what they are. ” ~Robert Frost
pinky winkies, now more dusty rose than radiant pink, demand that we goggle
thick-sliced banana bread with two black coffees shared under an oversized currant-colored sun umbrella
eastern bluebird-colored skies migrate and make way for gnatcatcher blue-gray-colored skies
turquoise shells in emerald grass
hot buttered local corn with a messy shake of sea salt and the patience to wait 300 days
heirloom tomatoes warmed by the sun from a nook on my windowsill now occupy a nook in my memory
mortar board and tassel, a featherweight heavyweight
working alongside Luc, as pleasant and fleeting as the sweet scent of summer
wine tasting under a blazing sun in celebration of a milestone, a memory designed to warm the chilliest of days ahead {insurance}
leaves the colors of marmalade garnish the yard
a rooftop, caramel corn and Chelsea, set against the backdrop of Top 40 hits, a setting sun and the anticipation of goodbye
like the flip of a switch, goodbye turns into the anticipation of hello
Have a favorite memory or observation you’d like to share? I’d love to hear it…
Wishing you a wonderful week, my friends…
So poetic… i love it. ‘Like the flip of a switch, goodbye turns into the anticipation of hello’ is so loaded with emotion for me. I wish my Mexican grandma was making her tortillas and the smell would permeate the neighborhood. Soon enough, all of our neighbors would pop in, smother her food with warm butter, and chat it up with grandma. God I miss her.
I’m lucky that my brain works that way or goodbyes would be messier than they already are! I love your memory about your grandma…those were beautiful times. Thank you for sharing, my friend!
Reading this literally brought tears to my eyes! Beautiful! Many of my favourite memories include my Dad, whom I miss more than anything. Every time I bake fresh buns or bread I’m reminded of him and our bonding over my Mom’s goodies from the oven.
Those are wonderful memories, Katherine…thank you so much for sharing them. <3
Such beautiful writing, Annie! I love how you can smell rain before it even starts; the pure beauty of snowfall as it blankets the ground; and my Grandma’s voice, her cooking, her hugs, her advice. Such good memories!
Grandmas and nature are where it’s at! So happy to wake up to your beautiful comment…so comforting…
Seriously, you need to be published for your writing, Annie! I was looking for the by line at the end of this thinking it was a quote or poem from somewhere! You definitely have a way with words, my friend! So eloquent!! My favorite memories… well that’s easy. Every moment I ever spent with my father (I still hold them so dear to my heart), and of course every moment I get to spend with Boy. <3 I'm mushy. What can I say. 😉 Cheers, friend! XO
You are a dear…thank you for your kind words, my friend… I love that you’re mushy! All the people in your life are lucky to have you! XO
Beautiful, Annie!! Memories of my nonna, are the dearest ones to my heart…
I understand that, my friend…
I just love the way you write! The smell of cardamom always takes me back to baking with my grandma when I was little. She’d sit me on the counter and give me cardamom pods to pick apart so she didn’t break her nails (which were always breaking anyway). Some of the best times of my life revolve around picking cardamom pods 🙂
I love the way your grandma rolled! Not only did she save her nails – she created special moments for the two of you…. I love that, Kelsie!
As sad as it is to see summer go, fall at the beach is absolutely breathtaking!
Oh, you must be having gorgeous times! I can imagine the pictures!
The smell of wood burning from a wood burning fireplace! In my hometown, there were lots of wood burning fireplaces and they were often used in the fall as the weather got chillier. If that smell comes across my nose these days, it brings back so many memories. I remember in 1994 the power went out in the winter for a few days because of a snow storm and we all huddled up around the stove. Oh sweet memories. Love this post, Annie ! XOXO
The vision of you guys huddled around the stove is so pleasing! What is it about wood burning fireplaces? They know what they’re doing in the memory department! Thanks for sharing this beautiful recollection, my friend! XOXO
It felt so lovely after reading this.. Most of my favorite memories revolve around my mother and the kitchen.. We are three siblings, and only I love cooking and being in the kitchen..So I have always been able to taste the food, that she made just fresh from the skillet…It’s more fun in the winters when me and mom, sit in the cozy warmth of the kitchen with hot coffee and something fresh from the oven and gossip about everything under the sun!!
Those are very special times! So many wonderful memories are born in the kitchen and it sounds like you and your mom are building many beautiful ones!
The sound of locusts and the smell of diesel –I’m with my papà as we drive along the Italian countryside.
Ohhhhh, thank you for sharing this memory, Marisa. That is really beautiful!