You know what happens when the spring sun comes pouring through the windows? It illuminates. Everything. Including the dust on the bookcases in my den. So I grabbed my fluffy swiffer and went to work. I moved a few things only to be immediately distracted by a special little book that I hadn’t read in the longest time. Anna Quindlen’s, Being Perfect. Have you read it? I recommend it. I promise you’ll finish it in about an hour, but you’ll have a lifetime worth of thoughts to think about. The book was published in 2005 and in it she wrote “…it would seem as though this is the perfect moment in history to live with imperfection, to embrace variety and leave conformity on the assembly lines. The strictures that once defined human behavior have relaxed in many ways. …Different complexions, origins, and languages have become the norm, not the exception.” Hmm. Enter race for president 2016: There seems way too much talk about things that would have us reverting back to a time in history that we should never think to revisit. Here’s a thought – if we have no choice but to go back, can we please cap it at 2005?
If you’ve spent any time on social media this week you’ve probably seen this but I think it bears repeating (over and over and over again)… Human’s of New York’s Open Letter to Donald Trump makes an important stand against hate. Thank you, Brandon, for having the courage to say what so many of us are thinking.
Okay – how ’bout we lighten things up a bit? I know – Nutella!! How do you take your hazelnutspread? Are you a dipper, a stacker, a spooner? Let’s find out…
Georgia O’Keeffe, Frida Kahlo and Grandma Moses…that’s it…they’re the only women artists I can name. Shame on me. I wish I were alone in this, but sadly, it appears that many of us can’t name even five female artists. In honor of Women’s History Month – let’s see what we can do about that. Go ladies!!
When Dom and I find ourselves driving around after dusk, I love to catch the radiant glow of lights and the silhouettes of people in their front rooms as we pass by. It’s such a cozy look…the amber gleam of dimmed lighting or the electric blue flicker of the TV, I often wonder what people are watching or talking about from their living room couches or dining room tables. What I do know with a high degree of certainty is that the dinners of today look nothing like the dinners of yesteryear – from who was allowed to sit at the table, to the tone the ladies were expected to set, to the content of conversation…times have changed, but I love seeing from where we’ve come…
I’ve actually never been a huge fan of pretzels until these came into my life…Italian Wine Pretzels . (Snack displayed on chalkboard.)
Way back in the day, my dad organized a little craft activity where we made candles. Long story short – I spilled the hot wax on my hand and began to immediately jump like a kangaroo because, yes, it hurt, but more importantly, when I looked down and saw the wax all dried and crinkly on the topside of my hand, I imagined that it would look like that forever. My 8 or 9 year old brain could not comprehend that the wax could very easily be peeled off. Well, the hand is fine, though I’ve never made candles again, but I do love me some DIY – and this project for homemade pink grapefruit lip balm from my friend Kari is no exception! Just look at that color!
With the weather still a little chilly in most parts, we’re not ready to give up our hearty warm breakfasts just yet! And if you’re anything like I am – and love the flavors of sundried tomato, polenta, sausage, kale, andddd wait for it – poached egg – I’m hooking you up good! Check out these gorgeous Breakfast Polenta Bowls from my friend, Cheyanne!
When asked to think real hard about the following question, my response is always the same. Q: What is my go to comfort food? A: Toast. Which means – this kitchen hack was made for me and for people like me… We have to toast like we roast. Brilliant!
Long gone are the days of PAAS but that doesn’t mean we can’t have gorgeous Easter eggs for the offering… Check out these vibrantly-colored pickled eggs made with all natural ingredients. Bam!
Thanks for stopping by, my friends!
~Annie XO
What a great post. I did go and read Brandon’s letter and I have to say AMEN!! And on a quick political note — anyone who wants to divide — man vs. woman, rich vs. poor, black vs. white, Jew vs. Muslim etc. We are more decisive now than ever. I will not be for anyone who pits one against the other. United we stand — Divided we fall. Now — you and I have a lot in common – I get distracted by books. I love to read, I love learning and cookbooks are a big weakness. I will get back to the post today and follow your links. Abbracci!!
Thanks, dear! Absolutely, AMEN!! I think we’re soul sisters, Marisa! 🙂
Mmmmm, thank you for this my dear.. I didn’t see Brandon’s open letter until today.. and then I shared it wide and far. Written from the heart and what so many people I know are thinking. Thank you for sharing this important letter, Annie. Nutella… I can’t bring myself to buy it and I’ve never tried it. Palm Oil (it’s decimating our rain forests) is a deal breaker for me. BUT, I’ve made homemade and while I can’t call it Nutella, I can call it a damn snappy hazelnut butter chocolate spread! So I am a spreader! Ha! And you? Love Chey’s polenta bowls.. sooo good! Thank you for this, Annie !
I hope anyone who reads Brandon’s letter shares it! I’m so glad you did! I can imagine your homemade hazelnut butter chocolate spread is damn snappy! You rock! Thanks for stopping by, my friend!
Love your Sunday Soul Snacks, Annie! You always share great links that range from fun and delicious to inspirational and eye opening. That open letter to Donald was pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. Many props to Brandon’s courage to speak the truth. Thanks so much for the shout out and link to my polenta bowls! You rock, my friend! Hope you and the Mr are having a beautiful weekend! Xoxo
Thanks, Chey! I’m having fun with this Sunday series! Though very unfortunate that a letter like Brandon’s even needs to exist – I’m glad he wrote it and I couldn’t help but share it. They’re saying it might be the number one most shared post in FB history. I love that polenta bowl of yours, my friend! Good stuff! Have a great week, lovely! xoxo
Good morning! This post knows how to get one thinking, from the open letter to the article on the family dinner table (I can’t believe that last sculpture in the article, chills…). Times are changing across the board! I loved the grapefruit lip balm, I’m a sucker for anything grapefruit. Take care ?.
I am amazed at how people express themselves. And to see [even] in the article about dinner time – the swing of the pendulum in such a dramatic way… It makes one wonder where it will continue to go… The dinner table has always been a sacred place for us… Thanks for stopping by, my dear! 🙂